Sunday, April 15, 2007

Be the Change!

I recently had an interesting conversation with a bellhop in Austin,Texas. We were discussing politics and the condition of our government. He spoke quite a bit about all of the changes that needed to be made and how our politicians were to blame for not fixing these things. As he spoke it occurred to me that people say this all the time, they complain that our politicians are doing nothing to change the things that we want changed. Well as I see things it's the people, myself included, who are not doing what is necessary to change things. Change comes from an exchange of ideas, it comes from inner resolve and from daily actions. Change does not come from simply voting for the guy who makes the best speeches or who looks good on paper. For the love of Pete, people, change comes from growth and learning. If you want a change then you best be prepared to walk your talk. If you want the world to be a better place then you better start with your very own little universe, my friend. Even better, start with your own body! Eat healthier food, exercise and learn how to be emotionally healthy. Be an example for your friends and family. Treat others the way that you wish to be treated. In fact, start treating yourself the way you wish to be treated! "Be the change that you want to see in the world!" ~ Mahatma Gandhi. I really don't think that it could be stated with a whole heck of a lot more clarity than that, folks.
We all need to buck it up and become our own role models. That's how we can change this country. People, much like animals, learn from example. What would you think if I told you that you should really quit smoking while I puffed away on my pipe? Don't we do this sort of thing all the time. I know that I sure as heck do. Where as I can honestly say that I really started changing my eating habits from watching my friends and family becoming almost exclusively organic food shoppers. And that is in fact probably one of the best examples I could give. Many people are changing their diets in the same way. That has changed not only our local grocery stores but also the huge corporations. Walmart now carries organic produce and products. In fact, they carry Newman's Own, another fantastic example. Who'd a thunk it?
So if you get the urge to complain about things that you are not happy about in this world... Well, perhaps you might consider what small or large action you can take, in your life, to counterbalance those things. Be the change, people. There is no better or faster way to get there. Oh and also remember that we all live in glass houses so please put the stones down.
My rockin' cool girlfriend, Monty, made a simple gesture recently that was absolutely brilliant in my mind. She was speaking to a friend of hers about their kid's education. Her friend said that she wanted her son's education to be... and she raised her hand up high, gesturing high level and a cut above. Monty, dang I love her so much, said, "Well, I want my son's education to be..." and she threw her arms wide in a gesture of expansion and inclusion. Right on, girl! How fantastic would this world be if more parents thought like that. Just imagine...
And on the subject of education, I recently watched a brilliant show on the Sundance Channel called Iconoclasts. In one of the episodes they filmed Mikhail Baryshnikov and Alice Waters hanging out together and discussing... stuff. Alice Waters started a program called The Edible Schoolyard in Oakland, CA. The mission of the Edible Schoolyard at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School is to create and sustain an organic garden and landscape that is wholly integrated into the school's curriculum and lunch program. It involves the students in all aspects of farming the garden – along with preparing, serving and eating the food – as a means of awakening their senses and encouraging awareness and appreciation of the transformative values of nourishment, community, and stewardship of the land.
Okay, I have to say that Alice Waters is super fabulous in my book. A couple of things that she said, in Iconoclasts, really hit me. The first thing was about the shopping habits of this day and age. We don't mind spending inordinate amounts of time and money on shopping for clothing, cars and so called luxury items. Yet somehow we want our food shopping to be fast, convenient and cheap. We will put things in our bodies that are of the lowest quality to save time and money. Believe me I ain't throwin' any stones here, I'm as guilty as the next culprit. (Although I have made some changes in the past few years.) Alice preaches eating fresh, local and seasonal foods whenever possible. I can't argue with that. She also spoke about buying from people or companies that have similar values to your own. Well gee, that actually used to be the norm, right? Food for thought!

Here are some pertinent links:

Looking for some way to help? Charity Focus is designed to enable inspired people to contribute in meaningful ways to the world around us. Find your calling @

Interested in finding out more about Alice Waters and Edible Schoolyard?

Looking for greener choices? Here are some consumer guides to help you out: - Woody Harrelson's how to be a better person site. Fantastic! - From Consumer Reports - To help you go green! - Conscious Consumer Home - Green and Socially Aware!

You might be interested to know how Mikhail Baryshnikov is contributing to the arts.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Fantastic Gifts

My best friend Pam is one awesome lady. She gave me an early birthday present that was truly fantastic. She gave me an appointment with her "pet communicator". I honestly wasn't entirely sure what to expect... I knew that it would be very interesting but I had no idea how relieving it would be. Y'all might think I am crazy (pardon my y'alls I just returned from Austin) and that's fine, I am proud of my kookiness. I will tell you right now that I am 100% certain that she was speaking to my Little Buddy and my precious lil' geriatric Chihuahua, Mae.
Patty started our phone conversation with some very poignant messages from my Little Buddy, who recently passed at the way too early age of four months. All that I can tell you is that I cried a lot and I did receive some answers too. After I asked a few questions of Buddy I moved on to Mae. I asked Patty to ask her if she minded very much staying with my Mom (who is the only person that she will stay with at all.) Her answer truly floored me. First she said no, that she did not mind, and then she said that she likes chicken. My Mom feeds her chicken every single time that Mae stays with her. When I pick her up after a visit she always laughs and tells me how much Mae enjoyed her chicken.
Patty also gave me some very helpful information about Mae's health and comfort. She recommended that Mae see an animal chiropractor or acupuncturist or both. She also mentioned some flower essences that might help with some of her issues. All in all it was an amazing experience that I will most certainly revisit. My next appointment will focus on my crazy feather pluckin' parrot, Oscar. I look forward to speaking with Patty again. Oh and, by the way, she's also a really cool person to chat with. If you love animals then you'll surely love Patty, she totally rocks!
The conversation with my Lil' Buddy have alleviated a huge amount of my grief. I still miss him, but when I think about him now I am able to focus on the warmth and joy that his presence in my life gave me so readily. I personally believe in reincarnation and I am quite certain that B will come back to me. That being said I also feel his love in my heart right this very minute too. His passing was a hard core test of my emergency dealing system as well as my belief system. My conversation with Patty helped me remember my Truth and put it more firmly into my 'bones' if you will.

Abide in Joy!